Bright colors, bold brushstrokes and boundless imagination – this perfectly describes the artwork of the farm painters at Arche-Hof Kneese. Since 2018, they have been exhibiting their impressive paintings on the farm and in the surrounding region, enchanting viewers with their unique visual language. But who are the farm painters and how did this special art project come about?
The artist Elga Voss came up with the idea of founding the farm painters. During her own exhibition at Arche-Hof Kneese in 2017, she wondered what it would be like if the people with disabilities who live and work on the farm could present their own works of art. She couldn’t let go of this idea – and it soon became a reality. In February 2017, the creative group at the Arche-Hof, consisting of seven participants, began regularly visiting Elga Voss’ studio. At the same time, they also painted directly on site at the Arche-Hof. The focus was on experimenting with colors, shapes and painting techniques.
Elga Voss and Regina Backhaus-Ohl from Arche Hof have accompanied the group with great sensitivity ever since. Both occasionally advise on the choice of colors or give tips on how certain tones harmonize well with each other. But apart from that, the court painters are completely free in their artistic expression. Each painting – whether a self-portrait, landscape painting, still life or abstract work – tells its own story and reflects the individuality of the respective artist.
“Some of the farm painters have severe handicaps, but they are all natural talents,” says Thies Merkel, director of the Arche Hof in Kneese. “They approach their art with complete ease and joy. That’s what makes the results so special – and often very touching.” The works of the farm painters radiate an intensity that reflects both the challenges and the boundless creativity of the artists.
One particularly touching project is the participation of the farm painters in the German-Israeli art project “Link Bridge”. In this international project, which was co-initiated and supported by capito Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the court painters dealt with the reality of life in Israel. Through easy-to-understand news and podcasts, they learned about the country and the situation of the people there, in particular about the artworks created by people with disabilities as part of “Link Bridge”.
Based on these insights, the farm painters created their own pictures that express their reflections and feelings. These works of art are not only emotionally moving, but also show how art can build a bridge between cultures and the realities of life. In addition to the art work, the participants also developed an increased interest in current news and the need to inform themselves about international topics without barriers.
The farm painters from Arche-Hof Kneese are far more than just a group of artists. They are a shining example of how art offers people with disabilities not only a space for creative self-expression, but also the opportunity to engage with the world and the stories of others. Their works invite us to pause and look at the world through the eyes of these extraordinary artists.